to Edition #28 of Computachem E-Newsletter.
This month we see the results of Rollo Manning having attended classes
on Internet writing presentation. Using his new found skills, Rollo
has begun the construction of model for his subject "The Job of
a Pharmacist".
With a little help from a panel of pharmacists scattered throughout
Australia, Rollo is developing a consensus of opinion on what this ought
to be.
In each edition, he will add to the model and go deeper into the subject.
Most of the authors in the newsletter have touched on the subject independently
and will focus their efforts in the same direction.
We would also welcome Ken Stafford as a new writer for the newsletter.
Ken is committed to the Quality Use of Medicines concept and is helping
to develop consultant pharmacy in Western Australia. Ken works for the
Department of Veteran Affairs, who are extremely interested in this
aspect of pharmacy development.
Welcome also, to Allan Jelleff, another new writer for the newsletter.
Allan has had difficulties obtaining an approval number for his medical
centre pharmacy based in Western Australia. When you read his comments
you would have to wonder why this problem ever eventuated, and why the
Pharmacy Guild is ignoring expert advice in the matter of pharmacy locations.
Retail fallout, a result of globalisation, is discussed as it relates
to the food and pharmaceutical industry. Read how the food wholesalers
are helping to pay the home mortgages of independent supermarkets, exactly
as described for pharmacy in a recent spurious newspaper article. What
do we need to do and what are the underlying reasons for this new attack?
Jon Aldous discusses the future for recent pharmacy graduates in his
continuing series on pharmacy education, while Roy Stevenson delivers
the first part of an article which discusses a major problem he encountered
on a recent locum assignment. The problem was unusual and is worth reading
about, and printing some detail for your own future reference.
Peter Sayers begins a series on Practice Management geared towards an
idealised model for consultant pharmacists. This series will complement
and integrate with Rollo Manning's model noted above.
Dunn, of AuspharmList fame, tackles some issues in our Roundup column,
which are left a little up in the air. We discuss the lack of funding
for some rural/remote projects that is being held up by the Pharmacy
Guild, and ask the question "Why".
The discussion is a little "unbalanced", and you will see
why when you read the Roundup article entitled "Where is the Money?".
Clark of e-pharmacy fame is putting the final touches to his paper to
be presented at the E-Pharmacy conference to be held at the Le Meridien
Hotel in Sydney, from the 27th-29th June inclusive. If you missed the
details in our last edition it is worth following the link below to
revisit the article. It represents one of the most important conferences
produced specifically for Internet medicine.
It covers all phases of the pharmaceutical industry, electronic prescription
writing and doctor attitudes to e-pharmacies. If you can get away, there
is still time to book. We also look forward to having Brett back writing
for us after the conference.
Visit our last edition article and discover the quality of presenters,
at this link:
June 15th, 2001
an Australian pharmacist:
Dear Neil,
I thought I was reading your newsletter when I came across the following
article in the British pharmacy journal.
Have enjoyed reading the articles on "the job" and would like to contribute.
How can I do this without having to spend a lot of time at the keyboard?
I recommend the following link to all pharmacists interested in the
future of the profession, or is there no future? http://www.pharmj.com/Editorial/20010512/comment/lett08.html
Andy Kumarasinhe
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* Looking for an organised reference site for medical or other references?
Why not try (and bookmark) the Computachem
Interweb Directory , for an easily accessed range of medical and
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The directory also contains a very fast search engine for Internet
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