Who will
The technology is available to replace the dispensing pharmacist.
Is there anything wrong with this in the public interest?
The processes and laws are in place to make it happen, so just because
a Pharmacy or Poisons Act says a pharmacist must dispense a prescription,
does not mean it cannot happen.
Be ready, think smart.
In the last edition I asked who was awake.
There were two awake who let me know of their interest.
Yes only two!
Both were on the same subject, and both interested in future ways
of dispensing that have the potential to remove a function from the
"everyday" pharmacist. Was this to do with money?
Yes, very much, as both were interested in making money from processes
that will take the place of dispensing.
It is only a matter of time.
Don't be fooled into thinking that your professional organisation,
your industrial organisation, or the Government can protect you (the
dispensing pharmacist) from the incursions of technology.
This is not George Orwell stuff, it is fair dinkum reality.
Machines in America and Japan will dispense from a doctor's prescription
sent straight to the data warehouse, where technicians handle the
automated dispensing process.
Shock - horror!
But where is the pharmacist who by law should check the final dispensed
Okay, if I told you the law was there to protect the public you may
be surprised. You probably think it (the law) is there to protect
the pharmacist against opposition. That, you might say, was what the
review of the pharmacy regulations was all about under National Competition
Well there is news for you.
One of two things will happen.
Ø The
law will be changed when it is found the cost of compliance is greater
than the benefit to the public.
Ø Existing
laws will be used to validate the safety of a new process.
If systems
(technology) are designed by pharmacists, endorsed as safe to the
public by the Government, (probably through the TGA and Code of Good
Manufacturing Practice), and ratified as being within the law for
the marketing of Scheduled products, it will happen.
So get with it - think laterally, and find the way you can make money
in the 21st century through technology.
hope this article stirs up a few more than the two from the last edition,
and let us hear about a few more machines that will make the dispensing
pharmacist redundant.
Maybe we will not, as the developers will think it might be breaching
"commercial-in-confidence" information.
So what do we do? - wait for the bang!
No - start thinking - smart thinking.
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where Rollo would be pleased to share his other passion i.e
the two Rugby's
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